Winter Shelter news
Great news! St. John's Church have once again been given the opportunity to participate in the Inn Churches Winter Shelter programme whereby a number of Bradford churches each offer to host up to 12 homeless guests for one week in the Winter months, December to March. Our week is booked for Monday 29 January to Monday 5 February 2024.
St. John’s Winter Shelter provides guests with a friendly welcome, a hot meal each night, a warm bed, and breakfast in the morning and offers emotional and practical support, active listening and care. On top of that, Inn Churches work with each guest to try and find them longer-term accommodation
Most of our Winter Shelter guests have been sleeping rough on the streets of Bradford. They come from many different backgrounds and have become homeless for a variety of reasons: relationship breakdown, job loss or bereavement have often played a significant part. Many struggle with alcohol and drug dependency (though are risk assessed first for volunteer safety). Guests are referred by local agencies and are from a wide range of backgrounds, including UK-born, asylum seekers, refugees and EU nationals.
If you are interested in Volunteering or Supporting us in some way and don't currently come along to church, please do get in touch with us -
Thank you